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The Truth About Immigration in the UK

The Truth About Immigration in the UK Full Documentary

BBC political editor Nick Robinson examines the public's anxieties about immigration and reveals the facts of an issue that has transformed British politics.


With Britain braced for a new wave of migrants from eastern Europe, a subject once regarded as toxic is now at the forefront of political discussion. The programme dissects the decisions which led to the biggest surge of immigration in modern history and asks whether politicians can control immigration as much as they claim, looking at the potential consequences of their pledges.



The Truth About Brexit Immigration UK's EU Referendum

On June 23rd, 2016, the United Kingdom determines if it will leave the European Union to re-embrace national sovereignty.


While there are economic scare stories, concerns about international trade complications and fears about the United Kingdom becoming isolated on a world stage – make no mistake that upcoming EU Referendum vote is truly now about Immigration and the European Migrant Crisis.

The Truth About Immigration in the UK

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